Agree and Sign Feature Template

Document Agreement with a Signature

Collect signatures to confirm acknowledgement of waivers, rental terms, and more.

Create an electronic signature app image
Не найдено ни одного товара.

Building with Adalo is Easy & Codeless

Make a no-code app image

Quickly Create a Fully Customizable App

It’s not just the fonts and colors that are customizable — create exactly what you want

publish your app to a custom domain and the app stores image

Publish to the App Stores & the Web

Meet your customers where they are, no matter if that’s a phone, tablet, or desktop device

Quickly add features to your app graphic

Add Features with the Click of a Button


With Feature Templates, adding new features to an app has never been easier.

Create an e-signature app for free to collect signatures image

Collect & Store Signatures with Ease

The old process of capturing signatures can be upgraded with the Agree and Sign Feature Template. Now, you can collect signatures digitally without printing and scanning any paperwork — it can all be done in your own custom app.

Review Signatures at a Glance

With the Admin Portal, your app administrators can quickly view all collected signatures to ensure compliance before customers can rent out equipment, participate in an activity, and more.

Use the online signature pad app image

Anywhere You Need a Signature — Agree & Sign


Здоровье и благополучие

Новости и погодные приложения

Добавляйте в приложение последние новости или прогнозы погоды, чтобы держать пользователей в курсе событий.

Продукты питания и напитки

Финансовые и криптовалютные приложения

Подключитесь к данным институционального уровня и узнайте последние новости об акциях и криптовалютах.


Развлекательные и игровые приложения

Интересуетесь более забавными вещами в жизни? Подключитесь к вымышленным персонажам или спискам фильмов

Профессиональные услуги

Приложения для фотографии

Подключайтесь к бесплатным фотобанкам, таким как Unsplash, чтобы создавать красивые снимки за считанные секунды!
Готовы приступить к работе? Ознакомьтесь с нашей справочной документацией, чтобы настроить свой API уже сегодня!

Все еще нужна помощь? Наймите эксперта

Эксперты Adalo готовы помочь вывести ваше приложение на новый уровень.

Вопросы и ответы

What is a Feature Template?

A feature template is a small set of actions, screens, components, collections, and properties that make up a very specific piece of functionality within an Adalo-made no-code app. Feature templates are smaller than what is traditionally known as a "template" and larger than a screen template. Feature templates are unique in that they can be added to an existing Adalo app and the database will be changed accordingly. Feature templates are dynamic pieces of functionality to create a responsive web or mobile app quickly.

What Kinds of Feature Templates Are There?

There is an ever-growing list of feature templates available in Adalo. From features like chat and browse to other features like purchasing and a social media feed — each template is designed to be fully responsive and customizable.

Here are some of the more popular feature templates to help create your mobile app:

User Chat Feature Template

Appointment Booking

User Profile & Account Settings

Can I Use More Than One Feature Template In an App?

Of course! Our feature templates are made to work with one another. In several of the feature templates, you'll notice they're made with the same branding in order to quickly piece together features and have an app. Even the feature templates that do not share a brand can be used together.