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Adalo & Google Sheets
Host your external collections on Google sheets for your Adalo applications! It’s got free, unlimited storage, and built-in features to format and structure data in quick and easy ways.
What is Google Sheets?
Google Sheets is a spreadsheet application to create, update, and share data online in real-time. This cloud-based, collaborative tool is usually used to organize information and perform simple calculations – but you can do more!
Learn about Google Sheets + Adalo
Using Google Sheets as a Database
Google Sheets is a great tool for storing simple data, provided the data does not require advanced security. It’s free and offers the basic features for a database through the Google Sheets API, but it’s not as scalable or powerful as other database solutions like AIrtable, Xano, or Firebase.
How to Use Google Sheets with Adalo
Реляционные базы данных для людей, которые не умеют программировать | Блог Adalo
Часто задаваемые вопросы
Google Sheets is usually used as a spreadsheet program, however, using Google Sheets as a database is also a possibility. You’ll need to keep in mind the security considerations and database size.
Although Google Sheets has limitations for the numbers of cells you can use (up to 10 million cells) and API calls you can make per minute, it’s still a good option that you can get for free. You may be choosing between Xano, Firebase, or Airtable – here’s a quick intro to external collections to help you decide.
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