[Lacey] 12 to 18 months?
[Ben] No, two years.
[Matt] Yeah, same two years.
18 to 36 months. Already, we're seeing a lot of momentum of things launching a product and again, because it opens up the ability to create software from like, point 3% to like, maybe 30%. It's just a volume game at that point.
Next year, less than a year.
I'm going to go with two years.
12 to 18 months, we might be getting close already.
We're like two, three years away.
Я думаю, что мы уже достигли того, что по крайней мере треть вещей, которые запускаются на Product Hunt, не содержат кода или каким-то образом связаны с ним, или построены с использованием кода - одно из двух, я думаю, что мы уже практически достигли этого.
I don't know. This is a hard question because over time I'm not sure you'll ever be able to tell the difference.
I feel like it's already pretty on par with that right now. I want to think that it's already pretty there on Product Hunt, and so maybe like a year.
It's hard to say because coding apps isn't just gonna shut down tomorrow. So my guess is this is probably like much further out — say like, five plus years, maybe five to 10 even.