I want to say there's like a because of the volume game that there's gonna be something that is going to be simple enough and powerful enough and scalable enough that it's just a matter of time that something like that emerges. Maybe it's not going to be like a multi-billion dollar company. Right. But in terms of popularity, one or two years.
Yeah, you could get like a TurboTax style thing in the decade.
I would say like three to four years.
I'll say a few months, I'll be optimistic.
Вероятно, на горизонте от пяти до семи лет. Причина в том, что на создание такого инструмента требуется от трех до пяти лет, просто с точки зрения роста. И даже если вы начнете работать в следующем году, вам все равно потребуется время, чтобы стать полностью конкурентоспособным и крупным игроком на рынке.
If we're all doing our jobs well, hopefully soon. It takes time for businesses like that to grow and become that popular, regardless of their technology choices. Turbotax didnt become dominant overnight. I would say within the next two to five years.
My inner optimist wants to be like tomorrow. I would say maybe, and hopefully two to like three years.
I keep using the two the two to three years, but I think that's like a good timeframe.
[Lacey] I think three years.
[Ben] I think it's about three years.
[Matt] Yeah, likewise.