Будущее за кодом

Этот проект начался с одной простой идеи. Что, если бы мы могли задать куче экспертов те же вопросы, чтобы помочь нам выяснить, что такое «No-Code», как он повлияет на всех и почему мы все так взволнованы этим.

Check out the 3 Minute Intro Video!
Only 0.3% of people...
know how to code today. This means that 99.7% of people don’t have the ability to create software or solve their own problems with code. The goal of the ‘no-code’ movement is to give more people an entry-point into software & empower a new wave of makers.
The problem...
is that the no-code space is new, not clearly defined, and so big that even the people who know about it are only working on one piece of the puzzle. It’s hard to explain to someone what no-code is and what it’s going to mean for our future, but we're going to put an end to that.
Hi! My name's David Adkin...
and I’m one of the co-founders of Adalo. After talking with family, friends, investors, and just about everyone I came across about no-code, I realized first hand how excited everyone is but also how confusing & intimidating this space can be. So I thought to myself what if I could ask a bunch of experts the same questions to help us the figure out what exactly “No-Code” is, how it’s going to affect everyone, and why we’re all so excited about it?
The goal of this eBook...
is for you to come away with a better idea of what no-code is & how it's going to affect you. Hopefully, by the end, you'll be able to explain to someone else what it is and what it’s going to mean for them. (And if they want to learn more you can always send them here!) I truly hope you enjoy it and that you have a better understanding of no-code after reading it!
There are two ways to read this...
eBook/website/whatever you wanna call it. You can either read it by expert (where you can see that specific expert answer all of the questions) or by question (where you can compare and contrast all of the experts answers). Via the magic of no-code this eBook has created a new kind of reading experience. (Shout-out to Webflow!)
Timeline for 'The Future is No-Code'
May 14th
Site & Book launched on Product Hunt! ( 🆙 ✅ 🙏)
May 19th
Tara Reed (Apps Without Code) full video interview released
May 21st
Vlad Magdalin (Webflow) full video interview released
May 26th
Sergio Villaseñor (Elliot) full video interview released
May 28th
Brian Luerssen (Draftbit) full video interview released
June 4th
Ben Tossell (Makerpad) full video interview released
June 9th
Wade Foster (Zapier) full video interview released
June 11th
Emily Lonetto (Voiceflow) full video interview released
June 13th
June 16th
Lacey, Ben, & Matt (Visual Dev FM) full video interview released
June 18th
Jeremy Blalock (Adalo) full video interview released
June 19th
Final Day to Submit Your Answers to be in the Conclusions Report
June 25th
Conclusions Report released!
Thank you so much to all of the experts. This wouldn't be possible without you.
О интервьюере
О интервьюере
Дэвид Адкин
Соучредитель Adalo | Я люблю дизайн, собак и баскетбол.
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The Future is No-Code Book & Mini-Series - Что все эксперты думают о будущем no-code? | Product Hunt Embed